In Memoriam

The alumni board is keen to reach out to a deceased brother’s family and express our condolences for their loss and our loss of a brother. If you have any information on a brother who has passed away, please contact us at

Honor a Deceased Brother with a Memorial Gift to Educational Foundation

Honor a deceased brother through a tax-deductible $5,500 gift to Mu Chapter Educational Foundation in his memory. Most of the memorial plaques have been funded by groups of alumni. The two most recent plaques were erected to the memory of Dave LeFeve ’60 and Alexander Holiat ’06. Both were funded by solicitations to large groups of brothers, who responded with varying donations that totaled the required $5,500 ($5,000 gift and $500 for the plaque). In each case, a brother stepped forward to lead the drive to raise the money. Please visit the Educational Foundation’s website to learn more about making a memorial gift.

Mu Chapter Brothers who passed away in 2024

Martin J. Neenan ’72
February 8, 2024 (obit)

Jarvis Leng ’54
February 22, 2024 (obit)

Venceslaus James Vanicek Jr.  ’55
April 27, 2024 (obit)

Mu Chapter Brothers who passed away in 2023

Lawrence D. McGuinn ’67
January 20, 2023 (obit)

Richard E. Fish ’72
March 11, 2023 (obit)

Bruce L. Hull ’63
May 5, 2023 (obit)

Harry Laurance Fuller ’60
May 15, 2023 (obit)

John H. Hax Jr. ’60
August 7, 2023 (obit)

MacDonald J. Homes ’61
August 30, 2023 (obit)

Mu Chapter Brothers who passed away in 2022

Briton K. Smith ’61
January 4, 2022

Curtis S. Fullmer III ’67
January 24, 2022 (obit)

Fred A. Knaysi ’73
July 11, 2022 (obit)

Daniel G. Cadiz ’51
July 20, 2022 (obit)

Theodore A. Marciniak ’55
July 26, 2022 (obit)

Roger B. Poeppel ’63
August 18, 2022 (obit)

Richard J. Boerner ’60
September 2, 2022 (obit)

Donald R. Cowles ’60
September 12, 2022 (obit)

Horace I. Bush ’52
November 5, 2022 (obit)

Mu Chapter Brothers who passed away in 2021

John L. Riley ’55
January 30, 2021 (obit)

David A. Dewey ’54
February 4, 2021 (obit)

Kevin M. Gleason ’78
November 1, 2021 (obit)

Henry Dunnenberger ’77

Mu Chapter Brothers who passed away in 2020

Albert M. Beck ’52
January 16, 2020

Warren R. Leach ’53
March 3, 2020

Robert A. Nafis ’49
August 12, 2020

John M. Kreuttner ’57
October 2020 (obit)

Herbert W. Mishler ’51
November 24, 2020 (obit)

Charles W. Taylor ’51
December 3, 2020 (obit)

Grant L. Gregory ’58
December 4, 2020 (obit)

Robert G. Bert Harrop ’61
December 25, 2020 (obit)

Mu Chapter Brothers who passed away in 2019

Peter H. Crosby ’69
January 1, 2019

Clifford Wengert ’53
February 8, 2019 (obit)

David C. Kay ’50
February 26, 2019 (obit)

Charles W. Ahrend ’51
June 24, 2019

John C. Shearer ’52
September 14, 2019

Paul S. Jenkins ’60
November 1, 2019

Thomas D. Foster ’60
December 24, 2019 (obit)

Mu Chapter Brothers who passed away in 2018

Peter H. Crosby ’69
January 1, 2019

Clifford Wengert ’53
February 8, 2019 (obit)

David C. Kay ’50
February 26, 2019 (obit)

Christopher J. Molinaro ’94
June 18, 2018 (obit)

Harold C. Mallery ’52
July 9, 2018 (obit)

Mark J. Hausknecht ’75
July 20, 2018 (obit)

James H. Keene III ’57
October 17, 2018 (obit)

Peter B. Taylor ’55
December 10, 2018 (obit)

Mu Chapter Brothers who passed away in 2017

Howard P. King, Jr. ’47
January 20, 2017 (obit)

Robert R. Carroll ’75
March 11, 2017

Richard E. Knoblock ’55
April 10, 2017 (obit)

John L. Hitzel ’59
April 17, 2017 (obit)

David M. Heimbach ’60
August 7, 2017 (obit)

Richard W. Kubiak ’68
November 26, 2017 (obit)

Paul V. Woolley III ’61
November 28, 2017 (obit)

Mu Chapter Brothers who passed away in 2016

Daniel Gerson ’88
February 6, 2016

Corles M. Perkins ’42
March 21, 2016

John D. Masters ’45
April 3, 2016

Raymond L. Campbell Jr. ’61
April 25, 2016

Kevan M. Green ’64
July 12, 2016

Richard H. Lloyd ’69
July 15, 2016

Arthur M. Jaggard ’51
July 17, 2016

Stephen E. Taylor ’68
December 12, 2016

Mu Chapter Brothers who passed away in 2015

M. Dudley Smith Jr. ’48
January 4, 2015

Harlan R. Wengert ’48
January 10, 2015

Lorenz K. Muller ’47
March 26, 2015

William A. Swartzman ’77
May 23, 2015

Richard W. Avazian ’59
July 14, 2015

Alfred J. Patane ’55
October 12, 2015

Manfred W. Hoffman ’60

Mu Chapter Brothers who passed away in 2014

Edward J. Finnerty ’82
January 27, 2014

Louis J. Conti ’41
February 14, 2014

Frank R. Vadney ’56
April 18, 2014

Frank C. Sorochinsky ’54
June 18, 2014

Lee M. Werner ’45
June 19, 2014

David P. Dirksen ’53
August 1, 2014

Howard M. Rathbun ’55
October 23, 2014

Michael T. Leigh ’52
November 26, 2014

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