Zac Goldman
Major: ILR
Minors: philosophy, business
Post-Grad Plans: Volition Capital (VC/growth equity)
Favorite Memory: summer ’16 spent living at the house with 15 brothers

Jake Howell
Major: operations research
Minor: business
Post-Grad Plans: Deloitte Consulting, NYC
Favorite Memory: summer ’16 in the Pi house

Griffin Py
Major: applied economics and management
Minor: real estate
Post-Grad Plans: Barclays, investment banking analyst
Favorite Memory: summer ’16 in the Pi house

Alex Stotter
Major: biological sciences
Minor: business
Post-Grad Plans: undecided
Favorite Memory: Mt. Marcy sunrise hike during summer ’16 at the Pi house

Will Murphy
Major: mechanical engineering
Post-Grad Plans: Tesla, manufacturing robotics
Favorite Memory: summer ’16 in the Pi house

Alexander Wood-Thomas
Major: mechanical engineering (Masters of Engineering)
Minor: computer science
Post-Grad Plans: Neuralink
Favorite Memory: Orchid Ball

Drew Lord
Major: ILR
Minors: business, law
Post-Grad Plans: JP Morgan Chase, analyst
Favorite Memory: receiving bid

Chaz Byrnes
Major: computer science
Post-Grad Plans: Goldman Sachs, technology analyst
Favorite Memory: Parking Lot Party 2017

David Golding
Major: economics, Spanish
Minor: business, psychology
Post-Grad Plans: IBM, global business services consultant
Favorite Memory: annual camping trip

Gabriel Smuel
Majors: economics, math
Minor: philosophy
Post-Grad Plans: Evercore Partners, restructuring analyst
Favorite Memory: DealBook conference

Sanjay Banda
Major: applied economics and management
Minor: real estate
Post-Grad Plans: Fitch Ratings, credit analyst
Favorite Memory: tanning on the Beach

Alex Rodriguez
Majors: English and American studies
Minors: creative writing, latino studies
Post-Grad Plans: pursuing a career producing electronic music, touring in Fall 2018
Favorite Memory: Disneyland trip with pledge class

Isaiah Duck
Major: computer science
Post-Grad Plans: IBM, software engineer
Favorite Memory: summer ’16 in the Pi house

Yordanos Goshu
Major: computer science
Post-Grad Plans: Goldman Sachs, technology analyst
Favorite Memory: Disneyland trip with pledge class

Abdo Dergham
Major: policy analysis and management
Minor: nutrition and health
Post-Grad Plans: research at Cleveland Clinic for gap year
Favorite Memory: spring break 2018

Ezra Pak-Harvey
Major: chemistry
Minor: music
Post-Grad Plans: research at Cornell and Duke
Favorite Memory: orientation week junior year

Matthew Blakley
Major: human biology, health, and society
Post-Grad Plans: medical school
Favorite Memory: winter formal 2017

Patrick Wang
Major: hotel administration
Minor: Italian
Post-Grad Plans: Rosewood Sandhill, management trainer
Favorite Memory: bonfire at 3:00 a.m. after Oasis set up