Health and Wellness

An important part of being an exemplary Sigma Pi is maintaining success in all facets of life. At Sigma Pi, we want the best for our brothers, especially in the areas of health and wellness. The three areas we emphasize are strong nutrition, stress management, and social responsibility.

Nutritional Plan

Food is a large part of the Sigma Pi experience. Brothers look forward to the healthy and nutritious meals that are prepared by our beloved chef, Chef Meleek. In order to keep meals healthy, the stewards, both past and present, who are responsible for working with Pat to create the menu, have made it an initiative to shift toward healthier, grilled or roasted poultry meats, as opposed to a red-meat-heavy diet. Additionally, the stewards have placed an emphasis on ensuring that every meal has a side of vegetables, prepared in various fashions. Recently, the brothers have taken a liking to more hearty grains, such as quinoa, faro, and brown rice, and these types of more nutritious sides have been incorporated into the menu. When on the go or for a pre-workout snack, brothers have access to a variety of greek yogurts, granola bars, and fruits. All in all, the brotherhood has internalized the importance of staying active and healthy, and the stewards, responding to brotherhood opinion, have taken steps to make sure that food options at the house are nutritious and satisfying to fit the needs of the brothers.

Stress Management

An Ivy League institution brings it achievements at the cost of time and hardship. From academic success to obtaining a summer internship, we here at Sigma Pi understand these problems and are here to help with the pathos side of the issue. A resident advisor lives in the house and is available 24/7 to give impartial advice on issues.

Social Responsibility

A strong, robust social life is encouraged within Sigma Pi, but the fraternity is aware of some of the impropriety associated with this. Every semester, we have two speakers from Gannett talk to the brotherhood about alcohol awareness and drug education. We additionally have the organization SHAG (Sexual Health Awareness Group) come speak to the brotherhood about the importance of safe sex and the different types of contraceptives that exist in today’s world.

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