More great news from 730 University Avenue! In late September, the Sigma Pi Mu Chapter was presented with the 2022–2023 Grand Chapter Award on behalf of Sigma Pi Fraternity, International. The award recognizes chapters who achieved over 80% on their chapter report card. This is the first time the Cornell Sigma Pi Mu Chapter has received the Grand Chapter Award since 2006. With over 100 Sigma Pi chapters operating internationally, this recognition speaks to the foundation and momentum we built upon this past year. We are currently on track to receive the award again this year with the completion of our final three quarterly reports and timely payments. This award provides a standard for undergraduate leaders for years to come and showcases the efforts toward building a strong relationship with Sigma Pi Fraternity, International. As we continue to strive for excellence, this provides motivation for the next generation of brothers. The plaque is proudly displayed in the East Lounge of the house.