New Plans for 2020 and 2021 Reunion and Mu Chapter

As you know, Cornell cancelled 2020 Reunions. If Reunion is held in 2021, we plan to have a combined Reunion for the classes ending in 0s/5s and 1s/6s (next June 10–13).

Below are the Reunion representatives for multiple classes. We will be identifying representatives for additional 1/6 years in the coming months. If you would like to volunteer as a class representative, please contact the me.

Please contact your class representative to discuss 2021 Reunion plans for your class.

Chris Selland, Alumni Relations Chair (

Reunion Representatives:

Class years ending in 0s and 5s:
Class of ’70: Peter Chase (
Class of ’75: John Morrison (
Class of ’80: Luc Chabot ( and Jay Sacco (
Class of ’85: Eric Hamburg (
Class of ’90: Gordon Adelsberg (
Class of ’00: Matt Pens (
Class of ’10: Brody Ehrlich (
Class of ’15: Nick Wint (

Class years ending in 1s and 6s
Class of ’81: Joe Ruocco (

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