We hope everyone had an enjoyable time at reunion!
It was great seeing so many old friends back at the house!

We had over 70 alumni in attendance. What a great statement about the passion everyone feels toward the house and brotherhood! See below for a list of Sigma Pi alumni who came to Ithaca for the weekend (if we’ve missed your name, please write to alumnirecords@sigmapicornell.org and let us know).
A special shout out to Slater Goodman ’18 for all the work he did to make our time at the house an enjoyable and memorable stay.
Please send any photos from this Reunion Weekend that you would like to share with other Sigma Pi alumni to the Sigma Pi alumni e-mail: alumnirecords@sigmapicornell.org. We will sort the photos and (as appropriate) include them in upcoming alumni publications like The Muse and on our website.
Alternatively, you are also welcome to submit photos via our DropBox.
We welcome your feedback on how we can continue to improve Reunion Weekend, so please pass along any comments or suggestions.
Lastly, I am happy to report that the kitchen and dining construction project has commenced on June 11 and is expected to be completed by the time classes resume in August 2018. We really need support from all alumni classes to help us raise the remaining monies so we can successfully reach our fundraising goal of $650,000 and complete the project. There are a number of class naming and individual naming opportunities available. Please consider supporting the future of Sigma Pi with your gift.
We hope to see you all back at the house in the near future!
Who attended
Class of 1963
KT Mao
nine alumni
Class of 1968
Nicholas Long
Class of 1973
William Strusz
Class of 1978
Bill Cavanaugh
John Haggerty
Kent Sheng
Class of 1980
Stephen Pirozzi
Jarett Wait
Class of 1982
Jim Garr
Class of 1983
Dennis Ehrenberger
Jesse Hammerman
Dave Knapp
Steve Kern
Gerry Leape
Dennis McNamara
Steve Novak
Carlos Santiago
John Stewart
Michael Vernick
Bob Wirth
Class of 1988
Dean Asofsky
Matt Bromberg
Mike Carner
Mike Najjar
Al Riffkin
Mark Unger
Michael Weissman
Class of 1993
Dan Emerson
Class of 1998
Saad Faruqui
Morgan Lang
Liviu Rusu
Pete Sedivy
Ali Sidiqui
Class of 2003
Evan Gilbert
Irfaan Lalani
Alex Miranda
David Rapasadi
Drew Vogel
Class of 2008
Stephen Yanchuk
Class of 2011
Jon Morello
Class of 2012
Andrew Chatham
Rob Dicker
Class of 2013
Tareq Ali
Benjamin Andrew
Matthew Davis
Ryan Haid
Samuel Hendrickson
Ante Kendes
John Kennedy
Xuan Ky Le
Omar Nijem
Alex Rawitz
Jake Sion
Zach Smith
Michael Sones
Brian Umanoff