Every year, Sigma Pi awards the Adolphus Dolly C. Hailstork Jr. Brother of the Year award to a senior class member of the chapter. The Brother of the Year (or BOY), is awarded to honor a brother who has demonstrated his unwavering commitment and unparalleled leadership throughout his time as an active member of the fraternity. This year, the chapter chose two recipients: Jake Howell and Griffin Py. Each of these brothers served the chapter as Sage: Jake during the 2016–2017 academic year and Griffin during the 2017–2018 academic year. Both of these men demonstrated selfless commitment to the betterment of Sigma Pi, both through their roles as officers and through their roles as brothers and friends.
Both of these men have led the chapter through periods of progress and growth and guided the chapter though challenges along its way. Both truly live and breathe for this brotherhood. They have both demonstrated immeasurable commitment to their brothers as individuals, to Mu Chapter as a whole, and to the greater Cornell community. Congratulations Jake and Griffin, and thank you for your commitment and leadership during your tenures as undergraduate members. We look forward to witnessing your future successes and your future contributions to Sigma Pi!

See full details on the Class of 1980 Adolphus C. Hailstork Prize.