With this dedicated page, we would like to list and thank our brothers who have served. This will also help the undergrads who are ROTC candidates or who are contemplating serving in the military to possibly be able to connect with our alumni veterans for mentoring, counseling, etc. Please send any information regarding brothers not listed to alumnirecords@sigmapicornell.org.
Sigma Pi International Fraternity established the Sigma Pi Veterans Committee in 2014. Sigma Pi International recently honored alumni veterans of Sigma Pi, in particular, those who made the ultimate sacrifice, with the establishment of a veterans memorial at Sigma Pi International headquarters, The Mitchell House, located in Lebanon, Tennessee.
Cornell University has a long and proud history of military service by undergraduates and alumni. Cornell announced a renewed effort to memorialize those Cornellians lost in military service to our nation by updating the War Memorial, located in Anabel Taylor Hall. Cornell is trying to make sure appropriate recognition is given to fallen service members from 2001 through the present.
If you are a current member of the military or a veteran, visit Cornell’s web portal for its military community. The site has helpful links to programs and services especially designed for veterans.

Robert G. Hirsch ’46
David A. Dewey ’54
Fred O. Jensen ’54
Richard D. Fisher ’55
Douglas M. Parker ’56 (Army JAGC)
Richard W. Pew ’56
Robert Stephens DeLaney ’58
Richard J. Boerner ’59 (Army)
Kenneth Rand ’59 (Navy)
Kenneth T. Steadman ’59 (Army)
David A. Lefeve ’60 (Marines)
David Franz ’61
Richard Greenwood Frey ’62 (Army)
William “Sandy” A. Stevenson ’62 (Army)
Thomas E. Cayten ’64 (Navy)
Paul R. Aarnio ’65
Edmund Bauernfeind ’67 (Marines)
Kevin F. Fountain ’68
Bill Johnson ’68 (Army)
Paul F. Kane ’68 (Army SF)
Boris Krynytzky ’68 (Army)
Richard A. Markham ’68 (Army)
Dick Allen ’69 (Air Force)
John David Bilon ’69
Francis X. Canale ’69
Donald G. Rider ’69 (Army)
David Woods ’69, (Army)
Lawrence Scott Perry ’70 (Navy)
David R. Miller ’71 (Navy)
Gregory W. Fisher ’72 (Army)
Daniel J. Gilbert ’74
Frederick J. Reeg Jr. ’74
Charles B. Ladd ’75 (Army)
Steven C. Lozier ’75 (Navy)
John W. Morrison ’75 (Navy)
Frederick H. Parker ’75
Michael E. Anderson ’77 (Navy)
Henry Dunnenberger III ’77
Michael P. Case ’80 (Navy)
Joseph P. Dervay ’80 (Navy)
Daniel J. McGraw ’82
Thomas J. Owens ’83
Brian Schimmoller ’86 (Air Force)
Noah C. Kanter ’00
John Thomas Szczepanski ’02
Dia A. Beshara ’06
Nicholas S. Wint ’15