Sigma Pi Hosts International Fellows

from e-distribution, March 12, 2015 On Sunday, March 8, 2015, Mu Chapter Resident Advisor Mike Lieberman and Alec Charbonneau ’16 hosted a “Meet and GreeK (Greet)” with the Cornell’s Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program. The Humphrey Fellows are a part of an exchange program that allows professional students from developing countries the opportunity to attend […]

Centennial Campaign Exceeds Goal

By Jarett Wait ’80, from The Muse, Fall 2014 Over the past year, the Centennial Campaign has been a vital and ongoing program of your alumni board that will insure the continued success of the chapter. This campaign was designed to retire the mortgage on the fraternity house, and in so doing, free significant revenue […]

Centennial Celebration @@@

In 2013, Mu Chapter of Sigma Pi celebrated its centennial. Check out the video below. INSERT VIDEO Those Who Came Buck Cody ’55Richard “Dick” Pew ’55James Keene ’57Robinson VanNess ’57Ken Steadman ’59James Palmer ’60Wesley Grace ’62Jim Gaskell ’66Wally Knox ’71Fred Peterson ’71Greg Fisher ’72Jim Boland ’73Martin Burns ’73Howard Rosen ’73William Strasz ’73Steve Booth ’74Ted Chen […]