Sigma Pi Annual Reunion Weekend

Reunion 2024

Sigma Pi Annual Reunion Weekend

June 6–9, 2024

Reunion weekend is fast approaching. Sigma Pi reunion is open for all alumni to attend, regardless of Cornell’s reunion years. The alumni board, in partnership with the undergraduates and reunion class leaders, are working hard to increase participation and to make reunion weekend a fun and memorable time back at the Pi house.

We are hoping for a big turnout and look forward to seeing you there!

If there are events or activities that you or your fellow brothers are interested in organizing at the house, please contact Steve Pirozzi (

For reunion, we are running the fraternity as an Airbnb. Rooms are open to all alumni. All doubles will be allocated for two people. Rooms will have fresh linens and towels. There will be housekeeping services to keep things tidy.

Please take advantage ASAP! The fee to stay at the house is $175 per person for the weekend (What a bargain!). To confirm your reservation and room allocation, contact Zion Sherin (

If you’re looking to secure lodging for Reunion Weekend, please contact The Dorm Hotel at 607-319-4611. We have a block of rooms reserved for Alumni Weekend.

If you plan on attending Reunion, please register below. We will continue to update the website with event details, so check back regularly.

Schedule of Events (event details are still being confirmed)

Thursday, June 6
7:00 pm: Casual gathering on the front porch of the house
Friday, June 7
9:00 am: Golf with ΣΠ alumni @ Robert Trent Jones Golf Course of Cornell University. If interested, contact Jarett Wait (
11:30 am–4:00 pm: Lunch and wine tasting, classes ’71–’77 (hosted by Ted Chen ’74 and Fred Bassette ’76).
3:00–4:00 pm: Fireside chat with Sigma Pi Brother Andrew Ross Sorkin’99, Olin Lecture, Bailey Hall.
4:00–6:00 pm: Happy hour, Pi house.
6:00–7:00 pm Buffet chicken dinner, Pi-house front porch. Vegan option is available.
7:30 pm: Socializing, Band of Brothers unplugged, and open mic on the Pi-house front porch.
Band of Brothers Unity World Tour 2024 logo
Saturday, June 8
11:00 am–12:30 pm: Alumni brunch, sponsored by the ΣΠ alumni corp and the Mu Chapter Educational Foundation. Hear about the state of the undergraduate chapter, the important role of the the Educational Foundation, and the launch of the Re-imagine Sigma Pi Campaign.
3:00–6:00 pm: Band of Brothers Unity World Tour 2024, Rock and Roll Tea Redux on the front porch!
4:30 pm: Sigma Pi Reunion photo, front lawn.
6:30 pm: watch the Belmont stakes live in The Learning Commons, Pi house.
6:30–7:30 pm: Chinese buffet dinner, Pi house. Vegan option is available.
8:00 pm: socializing.
Sunday, June 9
Open schedule, Departures

I’m planning to be at Reunion 2024!

Your name and class year will be displayed so other Sigma Pi alumni will know you are planning to be there.

First Name:   Last Name:
Grad Year: (YYYY)

Number of people attending reunion, including yourself:
There is a mandatory reunion fee of $150 per person (includes fees for beverages, setup, and cleanup).
I am only able to attend for one day (mandatory reunion fee of $50).

I would like to attend the Friday dinner. (optional)
Number of people attending Friday dinner, including yourself:
Dinner is $60 per person. The buffet will consist of a chicken main dish, several vegetarian options and/or side dishes, a salad, rolls, and a fruit plate. I would like a vegan meal.

I would like to attend the Saturday brunch.
Number of people attending Saturday brunch, including yourself:
There is no cost for the Saturday brunch. I would like a vegan meal.

I would like to attend the Saturday dinner. (optional)
Number of people attending Saturday dinner, including yourself:
Dinner is $45 per person. The meal is Chinese cuisine buffet style. I would like a vegan meal.

I am an alumnus and will be staying at the house for Reunion weekend.
The fee to stay at the house is $175 per person for the weekend. Once you have made a reservation, please contact Zion Sherin at to confirm room allocation, check-in information, etc.

I would like to make a Reunion gift to the Re-imagine Sigma Pi Campaign: $

Total Amount: $

To complete your registration, please enter your credit card information after pressing sign up.

Please also visit the Cornell University website to view its schedule of Reunion events, information on lodging, and additional contact and social-media information. You can also view more information about special events and programs that are in the works for Cornell classes ending in 4 and 9.

Want to know more?

Any questions, contact Steve Pirozzi (

Reunion Classes ’71–’77: Lunch and Wine Tasting at Beautiful Cayuga Lake

Ted Chen ’74 and Fred Bassette ’76 are hosting this event for brothers in the ’71–’77 classes. We will meet at Sigma Pi at 11:30 am and drive to O’Malley’s Lakeside Tavern for lunch at noon, hosted by Ted Chen ’74.

After lunch, we will proceed to Airy Acres Vineyard, owned by Fred Bassette ’76, and his wife Pam (Cornell ’74). The wine tasting will cost a modest $8.00 per person (after a 20% discount) for five tastings. After wine tasting, on the journey back, we will head to an optional stop to see Taughannock Falls. If interested, please contact Ted Chen at

Airy Acres Vineyard
Possible Wine Tour or Wine Tasting.

vinyard logo

Individual or group tours and wine tasting are available through Airy Acres Vineyard, located about 35 minutes from the Pi house, up the west side of Cayuga Lake. It’s owned and operated by Fred Bassette ’76, his wife Pam (Cornell ’74), and their kids. If interested, groups less than six people should use the following link to make reservations: For groups larger than six people, please contact Fred’s son Noah at Sully, Peter Wright, and another Pi man visited last spring; ask them about it.

Band of Brothers

Who is coming:

Jim Boland ’73
william strusz ’73 – FD+1 , SD+1 
Steven Booth ’74 – FD+1 , SD+1 
Ted Chen ’74 – FD+1 
Peter Duda ’74 – SB+1 
Casey Forbes ’74 – FD , SD 
Mike Gentry ’74
Bert Hurlbut ’74 – SB , SD 
Sandy Kraker ’74 – SB+1 , SD+1 
Peter Muth ’74 – FD , SD 
Steven Sanford ’74 – FD+1 SB+1 , SD+1 
John Morrison ’75 – FD , SD 
Michael Quaid ’75 – SB 
Gary Wicks ’75 – FD+1 SB+1 , SD+1 
Tom Garr ’76 – FD+3 SB+3 , SD+3 
Matt Petti ’77 – FD 
Peter Wright ’77 – FD , SD 
John Haggerty ’78 – FD SB , SD 
Kent Sheng ’78
Larry Barstow ’79 – SD+1 
steve bergh ’79 – FD , SD 
Wayne Buder ’79
Dave DOrlando ’79 – FD , SD 
Alan Douglas ’79 – SD 
Andy Kantor ’79 – SD 
Kevin Kruse ’79 – SD+1 
Larry MacLennan ’79
Keith Molof ’79 – FD , SD 
Keith Molof ’79 – FD , SD 
Chris Olie ’79 – FD+1 , SD+1 
Gordon Pugh ’79 – FD , SD 
Curt Quantz ’79 – SD+1 
Joe Dervay ’80 – FD SB , SD 
Jonathan Fordin ’80 – FD , SD 
Stephen Pirozzi ’80 – FD SB , SD 
Jay Sacco ’80 – SD+1 
Doug Uyeno ’80 – SD 
Jarett Wait ’80 – FD , SD 
Brian Finneran ’81 – FD+1 , SD+1 
Joe Ruocco ’81 – FD 
Dennis McNamara ’83 – FD SB , SD 
Steve Novak ’83 – FD SB , SD 
Michael Vernick ’83 – FD SB , SD 
Eric Hamburg ’85 – FD SB , SD 
Daniel Holzwanger ’09 – SB 
Edward Santos ’09 – SB 
Jake Slowik ’09
Dexter Amadasun ’19
Brian Barr ’19
Landon Budenholzer ’19
Jonathan Caen ’19
Jack Daly ’19
Justin LaClair ’19
Christopher O’Dore ’19
Onur Saglam ’19
Alex Santoriello ’19 – SB 
Jake Miola ’20

FD = attending Friday dinner
SB = attending Saturday Brunch
SD = attending Saturday dinner



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